GTI缩写的意思-Göteborgs Tekniska Institut (Swedish: The Technical Institute of Gothenburg)


  • 【英文缩写】: GTI
  • 【英文全称】: Göteborgs Tekniska Institut (Swedish: The Technical Institute of Gothenburg)
  • 【中文解释】: Göteborgs Tekniska Institut (Swedish: The Technical Institute of Gothenburg)
  • 【缩写分类】: 机构组织
  • 【缩写简介】: GTI 相关英文缩写
以上为Göteborgs Tekniska Institut (Swedish: The Technical Institute of Gothenburg)英文缩略词GTI的中文解释及分类。


英文缩写 英文全称 中文意思
GTI Göteborgs Tekniska Institut (Swedish: The Technical Institute of Gothenburg) Göteborgs Tekniska Institut (Swedish: The Technical Institute of Gothenburg)
GTI General Telemarketing International Inc (Denton, Texas) General Telemarketing International Inc(德克萨斯州丹顿)
GTI Grounded Theory Institute (Mill Valley, CA, USA) 地面理论研究所(美国加利福尼亚州密尔谷)
GTI Government Training Institute, Inc. (Idaho, USA) 政府培训学院(美国爱达荷州)
GTI Groep Technische Installaties (Dutch company) Groep Technische Installaties(荷兰公司)
GTI Government Telecommunications, Incorporated 政府电信公司
GTI Global Trade Information Services, Inc 全球贸易信息服务公司
GTI Ground Transport Interchange (airports) 地面运输交汇处(机场)
GTI Government Technology International 政府技术国际
GTI Ground Test Instruction (aircraft) 地面测试说明(飞机)
上表最多展示GTI的10条常用含义,点击 GTI 查看更多。


  • GTI Göteborgs Tekniska Institut (Swedish: The Technical Institute of Gothenburg)
  • GPL GÉnie de la Programmation et du Logiciel (Engineer Programming and Software)
  • FFD Front des Forces DÉmocratiques (French: Front of Democratic Forces, Morocco)
  • FIA l 'Automobile联会(身体控制赛车比赛/运动)
  • FITA 联会(Tir l 'Arc国际射箭联合会)
  • FBMI 美国联邦调查局的信息(雷德曼有趣事实段)
  • ECSC 学校道德文化营前儿童营、陆军,纽约
  • ESAP Escola Superior ArtÍstica do Porto (Portugese: Artistic School of the Port)
  • ESB EncefalopatÍa Spongiforme Bovina (Spanish: Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy)
  • DPD Drejtoria e Përgjithshme e Doganave (Albanian: General Directorate of Dutys)
  • ETH Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology)
  • CFCM Conseil Français du Culte Musulman (French Council for the Muslim Religion)
  • CFM Computer fÜr Menschen Gmbh (German company for scanner drivers and software)
  • CIRA Recherches资讯中心的国际德在瑞士洛桑(l 'Anarchisme)
  • AIC Association Internationale des CharitÉs (International Society of Charities)